Saturday, May 23, 2009

Christy's Craft Challenge May

All done with my Craft Challenge entry for May! Click the link to join us next month!
I made these slippers by wrapping paper around my feet, then smoothing out the paper to cut the fabric. They were fun to make but a little too fiddly for a tute. Here are a few pics anyway :)

Watch for classes coming soon. The first class is a freebie!

I love these! I've been wearing them ever since I finished them and they feel great!


  1. Okay, I'm officially blown away by these.

  2. WOW! These are amazing!! I posted a link to your project on Craft Gossip Sewing blog:
    (Post will go live tomorrow morning.)

  3. I love these! Do the seams bother you at all? How did you do them?

  4. Hello! Checklist in my blog as I get more organized - does that really ever happen? My emal is . I really want to make a pair of your slippers - soon - I am a slipper and sock addict! Thanks again for the wonderful inspiration!!

  5. Just wanted you to know I was here since comments seem few and far between. I was at ubercrafter and looking at her slippers and then had to see yours. So cool!!! Maybe one day will have to give them a try.

  6. I was diagnosed with COPD with 55-60% lung capacity. and Hiv, My doctor just said all the crying , stomping your feet will not change it so just accept it and basically patted me on the back and sent me home to die. I was devastated and was afraid to do anything. I stopped riding my bike, I was afraid to do anything that would cause any exertion. It consumed my thoughts with every breath and the fear of what to expect was almost more than I could deal with. So I couldn't get myself all time I decided to find a herbal cure online and I came across Doctor Itua on how he cure several people suffering from Hiv, and Herpes I gave him a call on this Number +2348149277967 also chat on whatsapp he gave me all the details about the cure i paid him for the medicine after 5 working days i receive my herbal medicine ,I use it for two weeks that is how I get Cured and today I'm living healthy and fine I give him thanks also promise him to testify about his work,He Can also cure the following diseases..Copd,Herpes,Alzheimer's disease,carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Parkinson's ,Epilepsy,Cancer,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis,diabetes,Coeliac disease,Infertility, Number...+2348149277976
